
How Do I Claim Babysitting Money On My Taxes?

Deciding how much to charge for your babysitting services can be a stressful decision. If you charge too much, parents might turn down to rent you. If you charge likewise piffling, you lot may be missing out on a lot of extra money.

Let's offset by looking at the average babysitting rates in cities around the world, then we'll comprehend the various factors that can influence your pay per 60 minutes. Past the end of this article, y'all should have a good idea of how much you should charge for your babysitting services.

US Babysitting Rates

US Babysitting rates varies significantly per city. The boilerplate hourly pay ranges from $x.95 in Las Vegas to $19.74 in San Francisco for a single kid, and from $14.63 to $22.44 for two children. The country averages are $17.73 for one child, $twenty.thirty for two children, and $21.49 for 3 children.

Average babysitter hourly rates in the US
Meet more of our babysitting statistics.
Boilerplate babysitting rates per United states city
US City one Kid ii Kids
San Francisco $19.74 $22.44
Boston $18.94 $nineteen.65
Seattle $eighteen.28 $19.34
New York Metropolis $18.01 $twenty.26
Los Angeles $17.41 $19.77
Washington DC $16.43 $18.56
Chicago $16.32 $sixteen.97
Nashville $15.72 $16.xv
Austin $15.54 $18.45
Philadelphia $15.22 $sixteen.84
San Diego $14.96 $17.21
Portland $14.95 $nineteen.26
Denver $14.77 $17.09
Atlanta $14.72 $xvi.23
Salt Lake City $fourteen.62 $17.22
Miami $xiv.60 $18.00
Sacramento $xiv.11 $16.17
Minneapolis $13.94 $fourteen.68
Dallas $13.75 $13.78
Houston $13.40 $16.18
Phoenix $12.41 $fourteen.42
New Orleans $12.30 $15.96
San Antonio $11.97 $13.22
Raleigh $11.lxxx $fourteen.77
Las Vegas $ten.95 $fourteen.63

(Source: UrbanSitter)

Babysitting Rates in Canada

Babysitting rates in Canada vary moderately per state and tend to be higher in bigger cities. Hourly pay can range from a low of CA$9.75 in Burlington, Ontario to a high of CA$15.49 in Vancouver, British Columbia. The average rate across Canada is CA$11.59 per hour.

Average babysitting pay per hour in Canadian cities
Canadian Metropolis Boilerplate Rate
Vancouver, British Columbia $14.00
Hamilton, Ontario $xiv.00
Toronto, Ontario $12.77
Victoria, British Columbia $12.00
Ottawa, Ontario $11.82
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan $11.79
Edmonton, Ontario $11.75
Calgary, Alberta $11.59
Winnipeg, Manitoba $11.24
Halifax, Nova Scotia $xi.xix
Kitchener, Ontario $10.85
Montréal, Québec $x.52
Moncton, New Brunswick $x.48
London, Ontario $ten.25
Burlington, Ontario $x.24

(Source: PayScale)

UK Babysitting Rates

Babysitting rates in the Great britain vary significantly from a depression of £vi.65 per hour to a high of £22.85 per hour. The average charge per unit for babysitters across England is £11.59 per hour. Locations in the inner-city where there is a high price of living tend to have higher babysitting rates.

Average babysitting pay per hour in U.k. cities
Uk City Average Rate
Brighton £12.91
Wokingham £12.25
Southampton £xi.87
Cambridge £11.79
Oxford £11.77
London £11.72
Esher £11.57
Bristol £11.22
Bath £x.93
Manchester £ten.79
Birmingham £10.35
Sheffield £x.35
Newcastle £10.17
Leeds £9.99
Leicester £ix.59
Nottingham £879

(Source: Indeed)

Babysitting Business Secrets by Matthew Taylor

Showtime your babysitting concern today!
My book, Babysitting Business Secrets, is out now as an inexpensive ebook or total-color paperback. If you lot're serious about becoming the best bodyguard you tin can exist, or if you want to brand equally much money equally possible, then this volume is perfect for you. I reveal all my tricks and tips for first-time babysitters or experienced sitters who just want to up their game. Get your copy today! Or, learn more virtually the book here.

What is the minimum babysitting rate in the Uk?

For babysitters less than 17 years quondam, the minimum wage is £4.55 per hour, for ages 18 to 20 the minimum is £6.45, for ages 21 to 24 the minimum is £8.20, and for 25 years and over the minimum wage is £8.72 per hour. You must be at least school leaving age to get the National Minimum Wage. (source)

Babysitting Rates in Australia

Babysitting rates in Commonwealth of australia are very consistent across all cities. The average hourly pay ranges from a depression of $14.87 to a high of $25.17 but most jobs are much closer to the country average for a babysitter of $19.72 per hour.

Average babysitting pay per hour in Australian cities
City Boilerplate Rate
Newcastle $20.17
Adelaide $20.00
Sydney $19.93
Melbourne $19.89
Perth $19.78
Brisbane $nineteen.69
Toowoomba $17.70
Aureate Coast $17.00

(Source: PayScale)

Now let's figure out how much yous're really worth as a babysitter.

How to Set up a Off-white Babysitting Charge per unit

Unfortunately, I tin can't just suggest 1 number that you should use every bit your babysitting rate. There are likewise many babysitting variables to accept into account.

I would say that $10 per hour (or your regional equivalent) is a good minimum number to set as your baseline. In most any urban center in the US, Canada, or the Britain y'all would be competitive at those prices. In Commonwealth of australia, a proficient base rate would be closer to $15 per hour.

I'd avoid going below $10 per hour unless y'all're a make new bodyguard without much feel. Otherwise, you're likely selling yourself a bit short.

That'southward simply the minimum though. In some cities, an average experienced babysitter can make closer to $25 per hr! And then y'all'll really need to consider all of the factors beneath and see how they might affect what y'all're able to charge.

If you're worried well-nigh speaking to parents nearly pay, read my article: How To Negotiate A Babysitting Rate.

Starting time By Asking Around

If you're a bodyguard or are but looking to start babysitting, so y'all probably have other friends in the same position as you.

Ask your babysitting friends what they're getting paid. There's no harm in asking, and if they're willing to share it will give you a actually expert insight into what you lot might want to accuse yourself.

Your friends are likely around the aforementioned age, experience level, and in the same city as you. And then it volition be a really accurate manner to tell how much your own charge per unit should be as a bodyguard.

Ask family members and other people you know with children how much they pay for their own babysitters.

Asking parents serves two purposes. It will give yous a good idea of what parents are willing to pay their babysitters and gives yous a dissimilar perspective. Plus it shows parents that yous're interested in babysitting, and they may even offer yous a job!

Consider These 12 Babysitting Factors That May Influence Your Pay

Like I mentioned earlier, there are a agglomeration of different factors that will decide how much yous're able to charge as a bodyguard.

Here I'll talk over nearly of the large ones.

ane. How Erstwhile Are You?

For many parents, age is synonymous with experience and maturity.

Start impressions are really of import when you're interviewing for a babysitting job, and how erstwhile you appear is a big part of that.

It'due south not really fair, merely I feel like most parents probably assume yous should pay a 17-year-old babysitter more a xiv yr old one. But in many cases, the older babysitter might only have i year of babysitting experience while the younger one has three years of experience!

I bring this up so that y'all can be aware of it. Every bit a younger babysitter, you're probably going to accept to negotiate more than and really evidence that you're a mature and experienced babysitter.

If you lot're a smaller person you might run into similar problems since parents will perceive you as beingness younger.

I'll talk about some of the tools you lot can apply to overcome any potential biases of being a young babysitter in the next few sections.

But how young can you lot start babysitting? Check out our guide to babysitting historic period for the respond.

2. What'southward Your Experience Like?

How many years have you been a babysitter or have had experience working with children?

In my stance, your experience is a much more important gene that parents should be because when hiring a babysitter instead of age.

Who would you rather rent? Someone who merely finished their babysitting class and has never actually watched children before, or someone with five years of feel?

With experience comes a lot of perks. A more experienced babysitter has probably seen and dealt with every tough situation that children have to offer. They know how to put a child to bed without causing a tantrum. They've got an overall better judgment and will have a ameliorate handle on any difficult situations that might arise.

They also likely hold more specialized skills that not every babysitter has, like how to alter diapers or warm upwards a bottle and feed a infant (See more than baby care tips hither).

So if you're an experienced bodyguard, look to charge a chip more than. All of that cognition and previous feel is definitely worth something! Parents with infants will specially pay a premium for the peace of mind and expertise that a more seasoned bodyguard can offer.

If you're not an experienced bodyguard, don't worry! Not every parent is looking for the world'southward about qualified sitter. Parents with older children who are well-behaved might just be in the market for a cheaper babysitter and don't need someone so experienced.

See our accented beginners guide: How to offset babysitting with no experience.

If you've e'er worked at a daycare or schoolhouse, exist sure to list childcare experience on your babysitting resume! Even if information technology was volunteer work, information technology's still valuable experience that you've gained while working with children. You lot tin can also include looking after younger siblings likewise!

3. Are You A Highly Qualified Babysitter?

Every piece of training that yous've gone through to improve your babysitting skills should be taken into business relationship when y'all're working out your rate.

Yous paid money and spent the time to nourish a class and you've come out of it with specialized skills that add to your value every bit a babysitter.

See my recommended babysitting courses.

CPR and Commencement Aid Certification are the first types of qualifications that you should await to get as a babysitter. It volition train y'all in how to deal with most urgent medical situations that could ascend while you're babysitting. Not every bodyguard has CPR or Commencement Assist Training, and those who do can actually offering some actress peace of mind to parents that their children are in practiced hands.

Parents will too exist impressed if they know you bring a first aid kit on your babysitting jobs (hither's a neat ane that we recommend).

If you've finished an Early Babyhood Education Plan, or even if you're still in school, that's some other valuable qualification that should go on your babysitting resume.

Similarly, if you're in schoolhouse to be a social worker or any program that helps you to bargain with children who take a disability or special needs, that's a huge asset as well.

Even seemingly unrelated fields similar psychology can relate to babysitting and used as a reason why you deserve to exist paid more than a bodyguard without your qualifications! Yous can mention how you sympathize the cognitive development phases of children and any other relevant details.

If you've had a Working With Children Check (WWCC) or any other blazon of background check that shows y'all can safely piece of work with children, that'due south another certification to share with parents as well.

For a full listing of qualifications that look not bad when applying for babysitting jobs, bank check out my commodity on Babysitting Qualifications.

four. Where Do You Live?

Your geographic location is probably the biggest determining factor when it comes to how much you'll get paid as a babysitter, at least if you live in America.

In the US, the amount that babysitters get paid varies wildly from ane urban center to the next. Fifty-fifty if they're within a short distance of each other, there can still be huge disparities.

For example, in Detroit, a babysitter earns an average of $12.l. Merely in Boston, that aforementioned babysitter would get paid $18.94! (source, source)

Generally larger cities with a high cost of living are where babysitters are able to charge the about. Cities in the "flyover states" in the eye of the country tend to have lower babysitting rates.

In Canada, babysitting rates are more than consequent across the lath. In the vast bulk of cities, the boilerplate babysitter gets paid between $10 and $14, with only a few big cities like Vancouver, Calgary, and Edmonton sometimes reaching above that. The average rate is nowhere near the babysitting prices charged past their neighbors to the Southward.

In the UK, babysitting rates are comparable to Canada'southward. Exterior of London where prices are higher, babysitters make between effectually £8 and £12 per hour.

In Australia, babysitting rates are highest and average between $xix and $20 per 60 minutes. Like Canada and the UK, babysitting rates in Australia are quite consistent between cities.

The higher rate for babysitters in Australia is likely because they have a higher minimum wage. $19.49 per hour as of June 10, 2020 (source). Workers in Australia generally earn a college wage than those doing the same job in America.

5. How Many Children Are You Babysitting?

Watching more children is overall more work. In that location are more than messes to clean up, more than atmosphere tantrums, and more often than not more duties to be performed

But dealing with two children isn't twice every bit much work as dealing with one. Y'all do go a fleck of efficiency from dealing with multiple kids at once.

Every bit a full general rule, you can accuse an extra $ane or $2 per hr to your rate for each extra child yous're watching. And so if you normally accuse $11 per 60 minutes to watch one child, yous tin accuse $12 or $13 per hour to spotter two children.

6. Will You Exist Watching Pets Besides?

Pet sitting is often considered an entirely split up job all on its own.

If the family you're babysitting for, has pets, you lot'll probably need to watch them and make certain they don't become into trouble as well.

Cats and smaller pets like hamsters and birds don't demand much input from a babysitter. But dogs are more than high maintenance and may need to be allow outside every few hours to go to the bath, or fed their dinner.

When factoring pets into the babysitting rate I'd look at each pet individually to decide. Some dogs are super low maintenance and volition just lay on the couch all night without any extra work on your part.

Other dogs will want lots of attention and to play games with you. Some dogs may also accept behavioral issues like going to the bathroom in the house or ripping furniture that you demand to either prevent or bargain with at the time.

For lazy dogs that don't need much attention, I wouldn't charge whatsoever extra. If you're basically going to be babysitting a very active domestic dog the entire time, I would care for them like some other child and add together an extra $1 or $2 to my charge per unit.

Of course, if you lot take allergies or you're not an animal person, you might but want to plough down opportunities to babysit for families with pets entirely!

7. When Will You Exist Babysitting?

Services like Lyft and Uber adjust their pricing depending on need (source). Getting a ride on New Year's Eve will cost y'all a lot more than than getting a ride on a random Wednesday afternoon.

That's just supply and demand. You might want to consider taking a similar approach to your babysitting.

The about popular times of the week for parents to use babysitters are Fri and Sabbatum nights.

At those times, most babysitters are booked then in that location are less to go around.

They are likewise the times when you might want to go to a party or hang out with your friends yourself! So by babysitting, y'all're also giving up the opportunity to go do something more than fun instead.

For both of those reasons, I'd consider charging actress during these peak babysitting times.

You might also want to charge a bit extra during inconvenient times. Like if a family wants you to be at their house to outset babysitting at 7 am on the weekend, or if they need yous to babysit on a holiday. Valentine's Day and New Year's Eve are the two busiest holidays when information technology comes to babysitting, and families often need to volume their sitter well in advance.

See our complete guide to babysitting on New Yr's Eve and acquire but how much actress you can earn on these special occasions.

I as well have a guide to babysitting on Valentine'southward Day for lots of tips for this special day.

Babysitting at night is a chip more than tricky. It tin can be annoying to babysit until midnight or 1 am when you just want to go habitation and slumber. However, babysitting once the kids take gone to bed is also a lot easier. You can relax a lot more and only demand to bank check in on them occasionally. The positive and negative aspect of babysitting late sort of even out, so I wouldn't accuse any actress in that example.

Come across our guides for more info:

  • How to babysit at dark
  • Overnight Babysitting guide

8. How Involved Will Y'all Be As A Sitter?

Babysitters come in all types. Some are super engaged and ever show upwardly with crafts and activities for children to do, even spending their own money on supplies. Others are fine to permit the children sit and lookout man television for the entire evening or play on a tablet.

Meet our over 200 babysitting games and activities for inspiration when planning a sitting job.

If you lot're the more active type of bodyguard, you should actually use that as a selling point to parents to explain why you might charge a higher rate than other babysitters.

For many parents, it's worth the extra $1 or $2 per hour to pay for a really engaging babysitter. Especially if you're doing a physically demanding activity with the children that will become them overnice and tired out so they'll be gear up for bed when the parents become habitation!

Take your skills to the next level, read our guide: How babysitters tin nurture children and bring out their best.

9. What Blazon of Children Will You lot Be Watching?

I babysitting job can be totally different than the next depending on the type of child or children that yous're going to exist in charge of.

Infants and toddlers tend to require a lot more constant attention and care. Particularly for newborn babies that may demand to be changed and fed every hour or ii!

Babysitting older kids tends to be easier since you can take a less easily-on approach. They're quondam plenty to do their own matter and yous're but there to brand sure they don't go into trouble. You can give them crafts or other activities to go along them busy for a few hours at a time.

Watching children with disabilities or special needs adds an extra layer of complexity. Particularly if you don't have much experience babysitting them previously. They might not exist able to exercise certain tasks, and may not even exist able to communicate finer with you at all.

See our tips for babysitting children with autism.

You might want to look at each family and adapt your rates on a case past example basis. 1 family might take an easy-going child that is always happy and does everything you ask. Another family'south child might be a nightmare and you're kept on your toes every minute.

x. Are Y'all Providing Any Extra Services?

You lot've got your base-rate that you charge merely for babysitting. But then you might increase your charge per unit a bit more than depending on any extra services that the family unit asks you to practice.

Some things that might go to a higher place and beyond your basic babysitting duties include picking children up from school, cooking dinner for them, tutoring and helping with homework, and doing household cleaning after everyone has gone to bed (Larn well-nigh cleaning expectations here).

Going higher up and beyond is an excellent way to become rave reviews from parents and become recommended to other families to babysit for. If you lot feel similar you're doing more than what should be expected for you though, it might be time to renegotiate how much you're getting paid.

11. How Far Practise You Have To Travel?

If the family unit you're babysitting for lives in a more than rural expanse or on the edge of town, information technology could easily accept 20 or xxx minutes to go from your house to theirs, fifty-fifty if you bulldoze.

Between the trip there and the trip back dwelling house, that's an actress xl minutes to an hour of your time! If yous could observe a family that lives within a couple of blocks of your home to babysit for instead, you could probably relieve a full actress hour of your time.

If a babysitting job is far out of the mode or volition take a long time to become to, I recollect it's fair to charge a fleck higher of a rate to embrace transportation costs.

When pricing out babysitting jobs, think of all of the time involved. That includes fourth dimension getting ready, traveling there and dorsum, on top of the actual hours that you'll exist spending babysitting.

Curious if babysitters can merits mileage as an expense on your tax render? Check out my article: Can You lot Write Off Babysitting Expenses?

12. Are You Getting Any Extra Bodyguard Perks?

You could be doing some extra tasks while you're babysitting, merely information technology could as well be going the other manner too.

Does the family unit you're babysitting for provide y'all with other benefits besides getting paid at the end of the night?

Perhaps one of the parents drives y'all home when you're washed babysitting. In that case, y'all need to consider the time they're taking to drive you lot home before bed, as well every bit the cost of gas and other auto expenses.

Do the parents provide food for yous? If yous're going to be watching the children during dinner time, normally families will provide you with food to swallow too. It might just exist splitting the repast that yous're already cooking for the kids or reheating some leftovers for yourself.

If you're really lucky, the parents might order you a pizza or let you use their credit carte du jour to order takeout for yourself. If that'due south the case, and then you should think about how much free nutrient you're getting each fourth dimension you babysit also. You might be getting nutrient worth an amount that would take you several hours of babysitting to earn!

It's skilful to think of the whole picture as well. Maybe you babysit for one of the first families y'all ever worked for at a lower rate than what you accuse new customers. Merely they might likewise exist providing you with lots of referrals to other families who need babysitters, which tin can event in lots more babysitting jobs in the future.

What About Overtime Pay?

If a family calls to say they'll be a couple of hours tardily, do you accuse extra for that additional time?

In nigh cases, I would say to simply ask for your normal rate for any extra hours, instead of having a separate overtime rate.

Babysitting is usually a role-time job anyway, then you aren't actually entitled to extra pay when you work more than what you initially expected.

The exception would be if y'all're a total-fourth dimension bodyguard. In that case, in some places, y'all might be entitled to overtime pay (usually i.5x your normal rate.) Especially if the family regards y'all every bit a household employee and withholds taxes from your pay.

A lot of parents will pay you a flake extra as a tip for staying late. But I don't think it'southward worth straining the relationship y'all have with the family unit for a few actress dollars.

Should I Adjust My Prices For Family Members or Friends?

Family members or shut friends of your family volition usually look to pay a scrap less when you babysit for them instead of a stranger.

To me, this seems a bit astern. They hopefully know yous really well and trust you with their child. At to the lowest degree better than a babysitter they've never met before! So why wouldn't they pay you at to the lowest degree the market rate to babysit for them?

If yous want to charge less when babysitting for family unit members or friends, it'due south a personal choice. There are some practiced reasons to practise it. Especially if the parents have helped yous out in other areas of your life in the past, or some other reason why you need to repay a favor.

You might fifty-fifty decide to babysit for gratuitous in some cases. For more information, check out my article on the topic: Should You Babysit For Gratuitous?

What payment method do yous adopt? Cash Bank transfer Through a babysitting app Paypal Some other way ↑ Vote to see results


Your babysitting rate depends on a ton of different factors. Even the same babysitter might offer actually unlike rates to dissimilar families, depending on how many children they have, how they behave, and other factors.

In general, yous can't go wrong starting with a base rate of around what the minimum wage is where you live. Unremarkably about $10 or $xi. That's your base pay for an platonic scenario, like a family that lives side by side door with one well-behaved child.

Once yous've got a base of operations pay, you can add on extras. For example, you lot might charge an extra $1 per 60 minutes for a family unit with a 2d child, an extra $1 per hour to clean and tidy the house once the kids have gone to bed, and some other $1 or $2 per hour if information technology'southward a special occasion.

My advice would be to first off charging a charge per unit similar to what other babysitters in your area are currently charging. Asking other friends who babysit can exist a skillful place to get an initial price. And so for future clients, you tin can kickoff offering college rates based on your increasing experience and attempt to run into how much you lot can charge before people start saying no.

Side by side:
Acquire how to increment your babysitting pay

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Negotiating babysitting charge per unit

Negotiate a Higher Babysitting Rate (9 Hugger-mugger Tips!)

Larn some essential tips and strategies to bring to the bargaining table to assist become you the pay rate that y'all deserve.

Babysitting first aid kit

Best Kickoff Aid Kit For Babysitters (Lightweight, Compact, & Perfect for Sitting)

If y'all are serious near child safety, and then yous need access to a trusted first aid kit while babysitting. See our recommendation!

Babysitting Interview: What to Bring? (Bonus Checklist!)

Be confident in your babysitting job interviews by preparing well. Follow our interview checklist and then you never forget anything important!

Do Babysitters Have To Pay Taxes? (Yes, and Here's How)

Learn if your babysitting situation requires you to pay taxes and what other exceptions may apply in your country.

 Matthew Taylor

Matthew Taylor

I'g a father of three beautiful kids from Sydney, Australia and I'one thousand the author of Babysitting Business organisation Secrets, a book designed to help anyone to create their own successful and profitable babysitting service. I founded Kidsit in 2018 to join babysitters, parents, childcare workers, teachers, and medical professionals to aid create the most trustworthy babysitting resources on the internet.

 Renee Irving Lee, B.Ed.

Renee Irving Lee, B.Ed.

Renee is a children's author and freelance writer from the Sunshine Declension, Australia. She has 20 years of combined experience working with children as a babysitter, swim coach, special education teacher and an after-hours care supervisor.

As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.

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